Thursday, September 2, 2010

Celebrating your parenting success

When's the last time you took time to recognize and celebrate one of your parenting successes?  From small parenting accomplishments like keeping your cool while your child melts down to big ones like launching your teen into college, give yourself a pat on the back!

We are so busy raising our children that it can be difficult to take time to slow down and think about what we've done well.  What milestones has your family recently accomplished?
  • Your baby's first birthday - parenting the first year deserves a celebration
  • Your child getting potty training - now there's something to really celebrate!
  • Your child starting kindergarten, middle school, high school or college - milestone events
We recently dropped my daughter off for her first year of college. I knew that letting her go might be challenging since it's an area my parents struggled with when it came time for me to leave the house.  So I worked especially hard to see the exciting transition from my daughter's viewpoint and not burden her with any guilt for leaving.  I think I did well.  I have a real sense of accomplishment in helping her successfully get settled into college.  Now that's something worth celebrating! 

Wherever you are in parenting, whatever success you've experienced, take time to appreciate the hard work you've put into parenting!

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