Monday, February 8, 2010

2010 Training: Great Parenting Is Learned

You might think … the internet has lots of parenting information. Why do I need a class?

The real question is … how can I bridge the gap between reading information and the daily practice of good parenting skills, so I can improve life with my kids?

Today I want to tell you how Priceless Parenting crosses the chasm of learning - how we bridge the gap between reading a good parenting concept and creating a good relationship with our kids. Here is the 1-2-3 punch I will share with you:

1. Priceless Parenting concepts - what is in the class!
2. How we use repetition to reinforce concepts and speed up learning
3. How we use a variety of training modes for interaction, learning and sharing

Please watch the video and tell me what you think.

In a few days I will send an email about how to get the training, and when the training will begin, along with my personal guarantee to you. If you are not signed up to receive informational emails from me, please opt-in to the "New Parenting Solutions" email list. If you opt-in, I will send you my Priceless Parenting Cheat Sheet, which provides important topics of the training, including training tips for parents.

The introductory video where I talk about my parenting philosophy is also available.

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