Monday, March 1, 2010

Protecting Your Child from Sexual Abuse

One of a parents worst nightmares is that their child would be sexually abused.  Unfortunately, by age 18, 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys have been sexually abused.  In 90% of the cases, the abuser is a family member or someone else known to the child.

How do you teach young children about inappropriate touch without scaring them? A great place to begin for preschoolers is by reading the book My Body Belongs to Me. It's a simple children's story with the message that if someone touches you inappropriately, tell.

Another resource for parents is the Darkness to Light website which describes 7 steps for preventing sexual abuse:
  1. Learn the facts
  2. Minimize opportunity
  3. Talk about it
  4. Stay alert
  5. Make a plan
  6. Act on suspicions
  7. Get involved 

By understanding the facts and proactively talking to our children, we reduce the likelihood that they will be a sexual abuse victim.

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